Saturday, September 29, 2007


Back in Atlanta I got to reconnect with a friend of mine from my college days in Dallas. She and I both attended the same megachurch and met in a home cell group. I haven't seen Anita in 15 years (since my last road trip to Florida). I had to google her several months ago to find her in fact. Isn't Google convenient and scary?

We all met at P.F. Changs (hence the horse sculptures) and it was like NO time had transpired between us. I love that. I love you Anita; our lunch was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

Everyone needs to think of someone they need to reconnect with RIGHT NOW....who is it?
Call them.


Anonymous said...

Cathern: It's always nice to see old friends. I think it kind of gives us a glimpse into eternity and the day when we will see those that we think of and miss, bit don't know where they are......somewhere over the stick with your theme.

Anonymous said...

OK, what's the deal with the horses heart butt? I don't heart it. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

oh, so many jokes.......