Friday, September 21, 2007

On the Road

Glory and I left NYC and headed north to the Adirondacks. We stayed with her friends Al and Nancy in Chestertown, NY. They took us on a tour of the area which is the same setting for the novel Last of the Mohicans. It was a place of winding roads and scenic views. After two days Glory, Al and Nancy plotted our path and we were off again.

Heading to the Birkshires our next stop was Stockbridge, Massachusetts to see the Norman Rockwell Museum and the Red Lion Inn (est. 1773).

In 1941 President Roosevelt gave his State of the Union Address and in it he declared Four Freedoms that all Americans were entitled to:

  1. Freedom of Speech
  2. Freedom of Worship
  3. Freedom from Want
  4. Freedom from Fear

Norman Rockwell was so inspired by this speech that he created four paintings illustrating each and all four were covers for the Saturday Evening Post. These four paintings were used to promote the purchase of war bonds. No other campaign did as well in the war effort.

Almost two hundred years earlier at the Red Lion Inn colonists/farmers met and organized a protest of British oppression and unfair taxation. Lead by Daniel Sheys, Stockbridge became know as the headquarters for "Sheys Rebellion".

You can see pictures of our road trip in Cat's Photo Album in the sidebar. I encourage you to google "The Four Freedoms". You can also read about the Red Lion Inn at

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