Sunday, August 31, 2008


I love life, living and all things about being alive. That being said, I would also like to say that life and living and being alive has it's annoyances. So today I want to write about perspective.

I am frail and physically weak. My whole life I have been very underweight. I was so skinny that I have been accused of being anorexic (always behind my skinny back mind you). My struggle with weight is closely linked to having cancer as a child and all the treatments I received to free me of that disease, but people don't know that when your 30 years old. So, as long as I have memory I have been encouraged to eat any and everything. I have never really thought about my diet other than JUST EAT.

I got a call from Dr. Haun's office this week (I had blood work done) informing me I have high cholesterol. REALLY? ME? I have been extremely annoyed by this information. All week I kept thinking of all the modifications I will have to make to my eating habits. While laying in bed last night thinking about how I was going to write you about the cruelties of cholesterol it hit me:

Three years ago I was on life support, and it looked grim to say the least. Today I have to give up corn dogs. Now how is that for perspective?

Isn't life GREAT! :) High five everybody!