Thursday, July 10, 2008

Addiction's Bad Attitude

Alright, before I wax philosophic about the local Starbucks closing, I think I need to address an issue that has popped up a few times in my comment section. It has been implied more than once that I might have an caffeine addiction problem.

First of all, you can't tell me anything. I am fully aware of my addiction and frankly, do not consider it a problem. The problem (as I see it) is I don't care that I have a problem.

Sure, from time to time, I think about my health and wonder about making positive lifestyle choices. When I get on this vein of thinking I will list the reasons why I should stop/cut back on drinking coffee, they are:
  1. The only fluid I consume is coffee (or some other form of brown, like Dr. Pepper or tea). I'm sure that can't be good.

  2. I only have one kidney and at this point I'm sure it's mocha colored.

  3. My resting heart rate is 120 beats per minute. RESTING! The doctor prescribed a Beta-Blocker to get it down some. I take the pill every morning with a cup of coffee. Ironic?
Knowing all this, I still don't care. I will just drink the coffee. No need for an intervention. I will fight you. Dr. Drew can just step off.

Starbucks Rockport is Getting the AX

When I read that Starbucks was closing 600 corportately owned stores nationwide I was not worried. Why worry, our local Starbucks is the only coffee shop in town. Even when I learned that they were closing stores that opened after 2006, I still wasn't worried.

I am a niave fool.

Word began spreading Monday that Rockport Starbucks was shutting down (Portland Starbucks which is 30 minutes away is not). Two of the four in Corpus Christi are closing, as is the Kingsville store. Last night in the drive through Aaron said they have 60 days at least.

I want to write about this some more and probably will, but right now I am experiences all of the stages of grief at once (except of course acceptance). So to my brother David, as many times as you have asked me: How can Rockport have a Starbucks and Lake Jackson can't? Now you know. Obviously we can't.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Independance Dog

July 4th in Rockport is a lot of fun. There are all day activities on the water and at the Beach Park. We have an annual Art Festival that brings people in from all over Texas and beyond. Of course, it always rains for a portion of the day making us all wonder if the BIG SHOW will go on. The BIG SHOW I am talking about is the fireworks show, and I'm not kidding, it really is a BIG SHOW.

Here is a picture of Cookie and me watching the spectacle (Cookie was so well behaved). I regret the fact that my camera cannot capture the "magic" of the show, so just take my word for it.

The funniest part of the evening is the RACE to your car the minute the show is over. Everyone is trying to beat the traffic jam that is about to ensue. No time for good-byes or hugs, you just run like a maniac trying to be the first one on the road. So to the people I sat with tonight, I bid you a belated adieu. And to the pedestrians I may have "clipped" on the way's to a speedy recovery (pun intended).