Thursday, May 29, 2008

Frog Blog

I had a broken terracotta pot. and I noticed I had some toads.

So I turned my broken pot upside down and made a terracotta hut: a frog sancuary if you will.

They moved in and it makes me happy.

This beautiful vine (Morning Glory) is killing my Azalea.

I must now kill the Morning Glory.....again!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Who Do You Remember

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who serve in the armed forces so that we can live free in a country such as ours. So today I remember Jeff Nelson, a former student, who is serving now in Iraq with the United States Army.

Today I remember B. T. Hanna, my dad, who served in the Construction Battalion of the United States Navy. Pictured below on the right.

I remember my brother Bill who served in the United States Air Force in Korea.

I remember Garrett McLead, also a former student, who served in the United States Army. He was killed last summer with 17 other soldiers when the Black Hawk he was in went down in Iraq.

Today and everyday is day to remember those who are serving or who have served. It's also a time to remember that sacrifices are made by wives, sons and daughters, moms and dads every time a soldier puts on his uniform. Freedom is never free and should never be taken for granted.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not a Square to Spare

The unthinkable has happened: I ran out of toilet paper. Two and a half years ago for my birthday I asked the YOUniverse for a year's supply of toilet paper and I have been using that TP ever since.

So imagine my surprise and COMPLETE SHOCK when today I looked under the bathroom cabinet and found nothing but cotton balls. Talk about girl interrupted (vague movie reference).

I just got back from buying a 12 pack at the store.....and tomorrow I may go back and actually buy the toilet paper. :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bowling for Gasoline

Tonight was the annual Young Life Bowl-a-Thon. This year the committee participated in order to raise money to help defray the transporation costs of each camper.

I had the standard flat rate sponsors. Those are my favorite because my bowling game doesn't affect the donation. That being said, I bowled the worst game ever! Forty nine pins the first game. GUTTERS GALORE! Then 70 pins the second game. I redeemed myself a little in the second game by hitting a strike. There was no third game due to fatigue and shaky muscles. It was like someone kept coming over and trading out my already heavy, pink ball for an even heavier, pink ball.
And yet, there are those sponsors, who insist on paying per pin. I wonder if they are trying to motivate me into playing the best game ever, or instead have they sized me up and are banking on my deficiencies?
The baristas at Starbucks (5 of them) sponsored me. They didn't have a hat to spare (pun) so they gave me an apron to wear. When I arrived, one of the campers said, "I didn't know you worked at Starbucks." I replied, "I don't, they are my corporate sponsor."

Cyndea, Shane, Bobbi, Catherine, and Ryan.

Patti, Cat, and Leslie.

I'm telling you now that bowling BEATS having a rummage sale any day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Googled and Found

I have some announcements:

  1. I just googled "generation perplexed" and we showed up in the top 5 hits (number two to be exact). Oddly however, it was a post I wrote called "Recipes from the Crypt". I read it again and then read your comments. You guys are funny! It was like looking at a photo album but instead of your faces I saw your words.

  2. I had a person make a comment on my blog a few times and so I went to read his. He is funny and weird. So I check out his blog from time to time. I noticed in his "links" in the sidebar he has a link to my site. How friendly is that? I will return the kindness and put him in my links.

  3. My pastors (see my links) write interesting/funny blogs. Pastor Scott recently wrote one about music. I think I will investigate what my iPod says about what I listen to now that he has brought it up.

  4. Did y'all notice I didn't Mother's Day post? What a rotten daughter. By the way Mom, your card wasn't locked in the YL office after all. I found it today in my garage. David, Glory, and Bill really do love you the PLEASE start loving them as much as you love me.

This concludes our evening announcements.