Saturday, September 29, 2007
We all met at P.F. Changs (hence the horse sculptures) and it was like NO time had transpired between us. I love that. I love you Anita; our lunch was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
Everyone needs to think of someone they need to reconnect with RIGHT NOW....who is it?
Call them.
Lost in Harlem
We had to get on the road and return the medical equipment, the rent car, see the Statue of Liberty and make a 3:00 p.m. train to Washington D.C. Glory demonstrated great patience in humoring me on my odd adventure. So while Glory sat in the car with the motor running, I ran around the cemetery like a girl "picking daisies" in a meadow. It was fun.
The last picture you see here is of the War Dog Memorial where heroic dogs of "the world war" are buried. When they made the tombstone, little did they know another world war was on it's way.
We continued our trek into the city and got lost in Harlem. Then we got locked down in traffic by Central Park. Then we got lost in Battery Park. Finally about 2 hours and 45 minutes later we could see our destinations with our eyes but didn't know how to get to them with the car (major road construction as it was Ground Zero).
We were able to return the equipment and rent car, but I never got to see Lady Liberty. I did however get to see Malto Mario in Penn Station. Those of you who watch Food TV will know of whom I am speaking.
For those of you who are interested, I added more pictures to the "Road Trip" album; click and see.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Divine Providence
My history with the Baptist has been short, therefore I felt I could benefit from a "pilgrimage" of sorts. I met a lady named Diane and told her about joining my first Sunday School class. I told her we were studying Matthew and she said, "That's an undertaking." I could tell I was talking too much so I grabbed a brochure and got the hell out of there.
A Morning on the Beach
Mark Twain Had Eleven Cats
On the Road
In 1941 President Roosevelt gave his State of the Union Address and in it he declared Four Freedoms that all Americans were entitled to:
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Worship
- Freedom from Want
- Freedom from Fear
Norman Rockwell was so inspired by this speech that he created four paintings illustrating each and all four were covers for the Saturday Evening Post. These four paintings were used to promote the purchase of war bonds. No other campaign did as well in the war effort.
Almost two hundred years earlier at the Red Lion Inn colonists/farmers met and organized a protest of British oppression and unfair taxation. Lead by Daniel Sheys, Stockbridge became know as the headquarters for "Sheys Rebellion".
You can see pictures of our road trip in Cat's Photo Album in the sidebar. I encourage you to google "The Four Freedoms". You can also read about the Red Lion Inn at
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Reluctant Tourist
There it was: Ground Zero. I couldn't believe it.
I knew that since we were there, then the church that served as a sanctuary for workers and volunteers during the aftermath of the disaster had to be near by.
St. Paul's Episcopal Chapel (est. 1766) answered the call to an unexpected ministry that lasted from September 11th until June 2nd.
Can you see in the picture on this sign how much debris is in the churchyard? It took them two years to clean up the fall out.
Below is a "monument" of patches from the service workers uniforms. It is displayed in the sanctuary.
You can see more pictures in Cat's Photo Albums (Ground Zero) or read more about the church at
The Big Apple
There is so much to do, so we started by taking a tour bus around a small section of the town. We got off the bus to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and found ourselves in the middle of a parade.
Turns out the parade was not for Glory and me, but instead it was the 50th German-American Steuben Parade. The Grand Marshal was Henry Kissenger (no picture...sorry Kissenger fans).
I forced my sister to take me to TWO quilt shops. She was very tolerant and suggested this photo op. I stood in the pink section for the picture as it is my favorite color.
It's hard to write about Jersey Boys. Know in advance that there is no way I can get the experience down in words. How can you describe something so sensory? But I want you to know how I came to be a fan, so here it goes.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Guardian Angels
Last night as I was thinking about loading up all the luggage and dragging it to Union Station. I became apprehensive. So I decided to pray and make my petition known. After I prayed the thought came in my head, God could send us a guardian angel. Then I went to bed.
This morning I was able to CRAM all my new clothes in the already full suitcase (I bet it weighs more than 29 lbs now) and we were ready to go. The bellman took our bags to the lobby. The cab driver loaded our bags in the car and then took them out at the station. Then, as Glory and I were strategically dividing the bags between us, a man with a cart came up and hollered, “Red Cap Service!” So this nice fellow loaded our bags and escorted us to ticketing. Before we got there, he sent me to Starbucks (I had mentioned taking a cup on the train) and told me where to met him and Glory. He helped Glory buy the tickets and then he took us to the correct train and loaded our bags in the luggage compartment.
I told him, “I prayed for a guardian angel today.” And he said, “See what happens when you pray?” You’ve got to love it!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What is Your World Made Of?
It didn't hit me until I saw this aluminum tray that they are a thing of the past. Seeing it made me think fondly of my childhood, sitting in front of the TV, with a TV dinner on a TV tray watching things like All in the Family and M*A*S*H.
Here's the Thing
Well, it turns out, that the USA Network is have a little thing where people take their Mr. Monk Bobble Heads with them on their vacations and then send in pictures. On their website, you can see Mr. Monk at Mt. Rushmore, Old Faithful in Yosemite Park, and Lincoln Memorial. Hopefully, soon the world wide web will see my Mr. Monk at the Nation's Capital. I uploaded my picture last night and am waiting for the "moderator" to approve it. How could they not?
So here's the thing, when you see my photos, you may see Mr. Monk Bobble Head a few times. Blame Sue!
To see the Washington D.C. photo album, click on Cat's Photo Album in the sidebar.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Declaration of Independance is housed in the National Archives (pictured above). I had a list of three things I wanted to see: Lincoln Memorial, The Smithsonian Institute, and the Declaration of Independance.
Dinner on the Potomac.
They Aren't Playing Today
We loaded into a cab at 5:30 a.m. (4:30 TX) and headed to the airport. When we get to the airport Glory asks, “Where’s my suitcase with all my clothes in it?” I said, “I thought you got it.” She said, “I THOUGHT YOU GOT IT!” MAN! It was horrible, but we had to release it to the Universe and move on. Glory started her vacation with only T-shirts, underwear, dress shoes, and the clothes on her back.
Moving in to check-in, the woman at security wearing a Bridgett Wig was checking everyone’s id and boarding pass. In line I could hear her mantra: “They’re not playing today.” I didn’t have my id ready when I got to her and she said, “They’re not playing today, have your stuff ready.” Glory apologized and told her we were “a mess” this morning. She said, “You can’t be a mess ‘cause they aren’t playing today.”
From there we proceeded to the scanning part of the process. I had to remove my shoes and jacket. They scanned and picked through everything. They took out my lip-gloss and perfume and travel sized face soap and put it all in a zip lock bag. You can only take 3 ounces of liquid on a plane now.
We made it on the plane and had a very uneventful flight. The pilot flew us up the Potomac and then banked left to the Ronald Reagan Airport. I looked out my window for something recognizable, when there it stood: The Pentagon. I was so amazed. It was real and right there in front of me, not a scratch on it. I was so happy to see it and so proud. I have been experiencing a lot of feelings here in this great place. Washington D.C. is only 6 square miles in size and every inch of it is packed with our history.