Friday, June 23, 2006

Hurricane Preparation Kits

Last year on the heels of Hurricane Katrina, my sister Glory came to visit from Atlanta. My mother picked her up at Hobby Airport and they returned to our home town Freeport. The next day Freeport declared a mandatory evacuation due to the immanent threat of Hurricane Rita; so mom, my aunt, and Glory drove to Rockport to see me. Rockport declared their mandatory evacuation the next day. So we all ended up in Salado, Texas in what was supposedly the only hotel room available in the state.
Everything happened so fast that it took us all by surprise. I was not prepared. So with note pad in hand I took notes during the entire evacuation process of things to do differently "next time". I know they have these list available for free, but keep in mind I had a lot of time on my hands and this list was a form of entertainment for me. Here's are my lists:

Food Kit
2 six packs of small Dr. Peppers
Tuna Kits
Peanut Butter
Plastic Utensils
Fruit cups
Tea bags Roll of Paper towels
Coffee with scoop and filters
Sugar packets
Mixed Nuts
Ice chest ice
Clothes for 4 days
Entertainment Kit
Deck of cards
Crossword puzzles
Craft type items (hand work)

Yesterday I went to Circle K to get the free Hurricane Preparation Guide and compared what they said to do to what I was thinking last year in the the mist of the turmoil. Boy is my list deficient. Currently I am regrouping and plan to have my kit ready by July 1st. If you think of anything I forgot, please feel free to let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about your Bible? What about your cats? What about the trailer you'll need to carry all this stuff? He-He. Happy 4th of July from Dave, Gail and Amanda.