Thursday, June 15, 2006

Command Central

You would think with a degree in Vocational Home Economics Education I would be a very efficient person, well such is not the case. However, the information I learned while getting my degree has helped me overcome some of my bad habits.
Recently, my house was in its usual disarray when I decided the computer no longer belonged in the bedroom. I would move the “office” to the living room. My Feng Shui training (which consists of one statement I read on the back of a Feng Shui for Dummies book) guided me in finding the "seat of authority". In other words, I knew I couldn’t sit with my back to the room. The living room is small, so I decided to pull the sofa out into the middle of the room as a divider, creating a sitting area and an office area. I pushed my desk up against the back to the sofa and sat there surveying the room. I had found the spot.
I didn’t like seeing the back of the computer monitor when I sat in the living room area, so I hid it with a plant. A lamp on the desk came in handy no matter what side of the couch you were on. Things were taking shape, when I realized that I could watch television and be on the computer at the same time, creating for me a multi-media experience. So, mouse and remotes in hand I accidentally created what I call Command Central. This is my place, where I can be surrounded by things that make me happy and be productive.
Everybody needs a Command Central, so if you don’t have one, find a place for one. Maybe you have carved out a niche in you house that is “your area” and all it needs is a little tweaking. Let me know what you come up with, and as always, I'm available for consultation. After all, I am trained professional. :)


Anonymous said...

If i could have a dream command central it would be to have a plasma tv in the restroom so that i could watch tv while i soak in a very hot bath(i am not kidding about it being hot it once soften the nail polish on my toes and after i got out my skin burned so much that i couldnt sleep)i love to talk my husband into getting in the tub with me(before hayden)just so he can put his foot in the water and scream!!! It never gets old!!!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard right now!! I do the same thing to Seth!