Sunday, August 31, 2008


I love life, living and all things about being alive. That being said, I would also like to say that life and living and being alive has it's annoyances. So today I want to write about perspective.

I am frail and physically weak. My whole life I have been very underweight. I was so skinny that I have been accused of being anorexic (always behind my skinny back mind you). My struggle with weight is closely linked to having cancer as a child and all the treatments I received to free me of that disease, but people don't know that when your 30 years old. So, as long as I have memory I have been encouraged to eat any and everything. I have never really thought about my diet other than JUST EAT.

I got a call from Dr. Haun's office this week (I had blood work done) informing me I have high cholesterol. REALLY? ME? I have been extremely annoyed by this information. All week I kept thinking of all the modifications I will have to make to my eating habits. While laying in bed last night thinking about how I was going to write you about the cruelties of cholesterol it hit me:

Three years ago I was on life support, and it looked grim to say the least. Today I have to give up corn dogs. Now how is that for perspective?

Isn't life GREAT! :) High five everybody!


Anonymous said...

High Five back at you Hanna! I love you!

Anonymous said...

High cholesteral isn't all that bad. I have it also to a degree. But I must add, I was there when you were on life support and honey, I'll take high cholesteral any day. I'll add my high five to yours and Denise's. Love from MOM

Unknown said...

If you overcome everything that you have, high cholesteral should be easy to control or at least get it under control. High five, Cathy. Love ya, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. You could be having a colonoscopy on Tuesday :) like me. I just have three words for you, CAT--1) eat, 2) More, and 3) OATMEAL!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Five Cat! Welcome to the real world of high cholestoral and the sad goodbyes to corn dogs, one our favorite meat treats on a stick. What will you do every March 17 (National CornDog Day)?

Anonymous said...

High five! I think your ol' skinny self looks great, btw.

Cholesteral Smojesteral ... a few simple adjustments and I trust you'll be fine. Life is about much more than corndogs, although corndogs are a close second.

Love, your ol' plump friend,