Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back when I first started enterwebbing, I logged on to and registered. Nothing happened much back in those days of the www, so I never got in the habit of checking out the site.

About a week ago I got an email from saying there was some activity on the site that I would interest me. Being a curious cat I went to look and saw that someone I went to high school with posted a "shout out" on my personal profile page, so I responded. She wrote me again and is now waiting for my response. How nice is that, to reconnect with high school friends? So I spent some time updating my profile.

Well, now is telling me I have another person who signed my "quest book". So I clicked where instructed and ended up on a page inviting me to become a GOLD member. In order to see who signed my guest book I have to subscribe: two years for $59.00, or 1 year for $39.00, or I could satisfy my curiosity for a mere $15.00 (3 month subscription).

Couldn't this be classified as a "bait and switch"? WELL I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!!!

So if you are the one who signed my quest book I will never know, but thank you anyway.


Unknown said...

Glad you won't fall for it. You have always been smarter than the average bimbo!

Catherine said...

When I updated my profile on I went to check out your profile. I clicked a button that said, "Ask David to be your friend." You better say yes. That is of course unless it cost $9.95, then DON'T FALL FOR IT. Just know it was me, the above average bimbo.

Anonymous said...

Hello classmate....for some odd reason our classmates avoid contacting anyone..."db in rockport?"...too funny.

I enjoyed our visit...I look forward to many more.

Anonymous said...

I'm anony mouse....