Friday, November 02, 2007

On the First Day of Catherine

The government gave to me my Medicare card. I applied for it two years ago and got it in August (of this year). It became effective today. So on the first day of Catherine I took it down to Dr. Haun's office and got a flu shot.
The accountant told me the bill was $30.00 but when I whipped out my card she said, "Oh, then it doesn't cost anything."
I took a picture of my Medicare card to share with you but then I realized it had my social security number on it. I didn't feel posting that information on the enterweb would be prudent.


Anonymous said...

Our government at work. God bless Ameica.

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Day of Hanna, Hanna.....

Anonymous said...

Well Happy Freekin Birthday Capperducci! I love the idea of the 12 days of Catherine! Are there some kind of special lights I can purchase to decorate my house? Has Hallmark released their special brand of Cards, perhaps with a Maxine like character spewing Chatherinisms? I hope Sears comes out with a special tie for me to wear for the occasion! In any case, I hope you get your nails done, your hair "did" and live it up! Love ya mean it, David Lorms

Rockport Young Life said...

I know that this is interfering with the twelve days of Hanna. I hate that it is. I fthere is anything that I could do to help with that then call. I also need to know your needs list and your wants list.