Friday, June 29, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

Rusty the Golden Labratriever

I'm a dog sitter. I don't know how this happened, people just started calling me. So I made up some business cards and the ladies at Be Stylin' pass them out for me.

I called my service "Relief Sitter" because I know first hand the relief of having someone really care for my pets when I'm away.
Even though I like dogs now, this was not always the case. Cookie (my dog) is the one who enlightened me about the world of dogs. Dogs like us (humans) and dogs get lonely. So when I go to someone's house I try to go several times a day. If I don't have to spend the night in the dog house I will rent a movie and we watch it together before I go home for the evening.

Latley one of the perks to dog sitting is great views. So I just pretend I'm on a vacation retreat and sip my morning coffee while looking at the view. The dog will usually do it's business, roll around in the grass, chase things that don't exist and return to join me on the porch.
Until lately business has been so slow that I don't even consider it a reliable source of income anymore, so when I do get a job, it's gravy. In other words, I get to spend the money on things I need/want but are outside the budget, like haircare products and little pony Dr. Peppers.

On the downside however, jobs that last more than two days can be hard because I end up suffering from separation anxiety when the job is over.


Anonymous said...

What a nice vacation spot you picked to picturize for us. Soon people will realize what a jewel you are when it comes to their dogs and kitties. Soon you will be so busy you will have to watch that you don't forget your own babies. I know you would never do that on purpose, but I also know your heart goes out to animals whose masters/friends are gone temporarily. You make me so proud so often in so many different ways. I wish there was some way I could take credit for what you have grown into, but so far I haven't found a way to do it. Love you lots

Anonymous said...

Very little driving, a beautiful view and a companion who just wants food, water, a lap and a little scratching behind the years. She looks just like Tim's retreiver so she must be a sweety. You and all you animal friends are so special. Happy dog sitting and enjoy that view. love suelaza