Thursday, November 30, 2006

O Tannenbaum

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!
You're green not only in the summertime,
No, also in winter when it snows.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
You can please me very much!
How often has not at Christmas time
A tree like you given me such joy!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
You can please me very much!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

Your dress wants to teach me something:
Your hope and durability
Provide comfort and strength at any time.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
That's what your dress should teach me.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Prince William

Since I have been organizing Carlene’s old black and white photos I can’t help but notice how many shots there are of Billy Carl. He is the first born and naturally B.T. and Carlene couldn’t get enough of their heir to the thrown. Look at him for heaven sacks, he’s adorable, and today is his 60th birthday.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I Don't Think You're Ready for this Jelly

For those of you just tuning in, I was prescribed a "hormone" to stimulate my appetite. I was pretty skeptical at first, but it appears to be working. I am wondering how "fat" I can get. I wonder if I will acheive my life long goal to one day weigh 100 lbs? Hanna women gain weight in their butts first, so I am telling you all now that I will need new pants for Christmas. I love it!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Glory Hallelujah!

Today is my big sister Glory's birthday. She is MUCH older than me. Here are some thing you need to know about her:

  1. Type A personality

  2. Punctual/organized

  3. Generous

  4. Band nerd

  5. Drama geek (even still)

  6. Bossy

  7. Morning Person

  8. Vente Quad Breve Latte

  9. Funny

  10. My favorite sister!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Life at Forty?

What I am about to post was written in 1991. I was substitute teaching in a computer class at Lake Jackson Middle School. The kids were told to write about their futures and were given several areas to include in their essay. I decided to do it with them. I am almost embarrassed to share this, but I laughed out loud (more than once) when I reread it today, low these many years later. I decided you deserved a laugh too, so remember, you are laughing WITH me, not at me.

October 9, 1991

My Life at Forty

Considering life isn’t really suppose to start until you are 40, I am excited about the future. I will begin attending University of Houston at Clear Lake in the spring to start my graduate studies. I am going back to school to insure that at age 40 I will not STILL be a substitute teacher in the Brazosport Independent School District. At 40 I see myself in a full time education position. I will also pursue writing in my spare time specializing in curriculum development. I enjoy working with young people and want to train other adults how to work with youth by sponsoring training workshops and possibly writing a training manual.

I want to live at 1630 West 5th in Freeport, Texas [the corner of 5th and Yaupon]. This is the abandoned 3 bedroom house that is in need of restoration. I plan to acquire this house at a nominal price and restore it to perfection. One of the rooms will be an office for my private business. The office will be decorated in black and gray, with mahogany furnishings. I will have a computer (IBM compatible), a laser printer and a FAX machine.

My home will also have a breakfast area off the kitchen with a lot of windows and French doors out to the backyard. My yard will be beautifully green, with flowering shrubs and a vegetable garden. I love my house.

On November 12th I will be 29 years old which does not leave me much time for a large family, therefore if I marry and have children, my family will be small. My husband will be a nice, funny guy who wears a suit and beautiful ties.

My annual income will be a set salary determined by the state and the school district of which I am employed. This is all speculation, because as an educator I am not restricted to only working for a school district. I hope to make at least $35,000.00 as a teacher and a free lance writer. I think this is reasonable.

Concerning my income, I would also like to note that I like to save and invest money, so I plan to have a financial portfolio, which could boost my annual income by about $10,000 to $20,000.

I will drive a four door sedan of some kind, some options are: Nissan Maxima, Honda Accord or a BMW. I just want a nice car that runs well and is safe, maybe a Volvo.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Party Never Ends

Due to popular demand my birthday celebration will be extended to Wednesday the 16th for lunch at Panjo's with my friends. You are more than welcome to come.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Catherine Eve

It was the day before Catherine and all through the house, not a creature was stirring.... oh who am I kidding, the kittens are bouncing off the walls. If they weighed more they would be knocking over furniture. I have two left from the four that Shane rescued and brought to me. Don't get me wrong, I love kittens, but honestly there is something called too much of a good thing.
Anyway, the two left are called Buttons (girl) and Bo (boy). It's so much fun, but I wonder about Tammy Faye (remember the white kitty). After all she is still a kitten and she has been relegated to a lesser rank before she had her full glory in the new kitten limelight.
I also wonder if that is how it is in human families. Does the baby of the family feel cheated when the newer, cuter baby comes along? Huh David?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Catherine’s Wishes and Wants List 2006

Note: High Priority Items listed first.

A Gift Certificate at:
Horizon Vet Clinic (361-729-7484) – They are expecting your call.

A Year’s Supply of any of the following:
Folgers Classic Roast Coffee (18 vacuum sealed bricks for a year’s supply)

Laundry Detergent (Tide with or w/o Bleach or Gain)
Paper Towels (Brawny or Viva)
Cat Litter (Tidy Cat)

Jumbo Sized Cotton Balls (2 bags?)

Gift Cards at the following order of importance:
iTunes (available at Target, Wal-Mart or Walgreen’s)
Golden Needles Quilt Shop - (361) 729-7873

Presents of Interest
Sony Cyber-shot® DSC-W7 Digital Camera
With ACC-CN3M Cyber-shot® Starter Kit
And AC-LS5K Portable AC Adapter

Needs or Wants?

In October I began mulling over in my head the items that will go on the “Catherine’s Wishes and Wants List 2006”. What with the 12 Days of Me and then Christmas coming up I feel I can never be too prepared. My circle knows about this list and some will even ask for a copy. How do they know about it? I consult with many about what should go on it; as a matter of fact that is what the whole “Year’s Supply” post was about. I was looking for ideas.
My list is always predominately needs driven. My thought is, if I can get something given to me that I need (toilet paper and coffee) then that frees up my budget money for other lesser needs (prescription drugs and dental).
Once I was trying to persuade a friend to ask for things he needed for Christmas instead of a scope for his gun. He argued with me that gifts should be not what you need but what you want. I agree, that would be great, unless you’re out of toilet paper, underwear, or your A.D.D. medicine. Don’t get me wrong, there are things on my list that I don’t need, like the Sony Cyber-shot® DSC-W7 Digital Camera from my 2005 list. And even though it isn’t a high priority with me it WILL be resubmitted on the 2006 list because no one bought if for me last year AND I still want it real bad.
I still think it’s always better to have your needs met. Looking back on the 2005 list I noticed several items I didn’t get (the robe, the towels, the Land's End tote bag) and one year later I don’t care. Hummm, maybe I didn’t really need them after all. One of the big challenges in life is learning what it is you truly need and appreciating what you already have.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Taking the Birthday Bull by the Horns

I'm learning that expectations can ruin anything, so when it comes to expectations on your birthday, my advice is the keep them humble.
I mentioned in the 12 days of Catherine (November 1-12) post to take the birthday bull by the horns, but I wanted to stop and take a moment to say it's really all about attitude.
On the 13th I will be able to tell you good things about all 12 days. Good because sometimes I make it happen, like scheduling a hair appointment or pedicure. Good because sometimes others make it happen, like this year I got an email on the 1st from my niece in Amsterdam and at the end she said, "Happy 1st Day of Catherine." :)
But mostly, good because good things happen everyday and it's about learning to acknowledge with gratitude the life you have been given (OMG, I sound like Oprah).

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Twelve Days of Catherine

I have no sympathy for people who get their feelings hurt because someone forgot their birthday. It's YOUR birthday; take charge! This being said, please forgive me for being lacks in the annual 12 days of Catherine campaign.
I loved birthdays growing up, I don't care who was having one in our family. If it was mom's birthday you can almost bet Tom and I would fix her breakfast in bed. She was always so awesome about eating it.....blah! Once I saved Big Bonus stamps and bought her a new set of drinking glasses for the house.

Bill, Glory and David would sometimes drive down from Houston for birthdays and or special events. I enjoyed these times so much because even though they were grown and living in the big city, when they came to visit their presence always made our house feel more like home.
My birthday is November 12 (it's been that day my whole life). I noticed very early that the build up and anticipation of a birthday always last longer than the actual day itself. It can be anticlimactic. A day is too short to celebrate me or anyone else for that matter. And frankly, if you celebrate your birthday on just one day, when it’s over, it’s OVER: no more presents, no more cake, and worse of all, no more attention.
So to everyone I say, give yourself a week (minimum). You’ll have to grab the birthday bull by the horns. For example, when I taught I introduced the 12 day to my students on November 1st. For 12 day I had on the chalkboard gift they could buy me at the local grocery story: toilet paper, cotton balls, Q-tips or maybe a Brita filters, etc. Every year they came through like champs. Exploitative? Yes, but I am shameless. My campaign was so effective that once I ran into an ex-student at a local coffee shop and after our initial "how ya doing?" she looked up in the air like she was counting then she smiled and said, "Happy 5th day of Hanna." OMG that was awesome.
So drag it out, you’ll be doing your friends a service because one day is easy to miss, but celebrating for more than one day gives everyone a chance to be involved at a time that is more convenient for them.
Finally, another good reason to drag out your birthday is when it's over, you’re SATISFIED.