I have an obsession with toilet paper. It all began when I left home to attend the University of North Texas. While there I started getting care packages from Sue Laza. Every care package contained a variety of snacks and toilet paper. Once, near Christmas, she sent a live Christmas tree. Granted, the he tree was only about a foot tall, but it was fully decorated That box too included snacks and of course, toilet paper.
Back then I wondered how long a roll lasted, and being the home economist in training, I decided to run a field test. This was an independant study and not associated with any toilet paper manufacturer. I dated the inside of the roll in use when it was put on the dispenser. When the roll was finished, I recorded the date and calculated the amount of time the roll lasted. I did this for a while, until I felt I had an adequate amount of data to reach a conclusion. Don't ask.....I forgot the conclusion, but am still left with an impression: a roll of toilet paper doesn't last as long as you would think.
From that point on my dream/obsession/quest was to have a YEARS SUPPLY of toilet paper. Once I went out and purchased what I thought was a years supply, but miscalculated and came up short. So last year for my birthday I asked for toilet paper. I was overwhelmed at the response. I got 4 packs, 12 packs, 24 packs, some were double rolls, and I even got a case of Cottenelles from the ladies at Bay Window. Until recently the case was out in the garage (not a good place when you realized you are out and forgot to restock). So this week I moved all that was left into the bathroom under the sink.
I think I am set until sometime in 2007! And to everyone who participated: thank you. You made my dream come true. Now I need a new "years supply" to ask for on my birthday. Send me ideas.
Oh and I'd like to add, it's been almost 20 years and I still get GREAT packages in the mail from Sue and the last one had a 4 pack in it.
I guess it could be worse, starting a toliet paper obsession. It has been fun and a pleasure. I am always fearful of running out of toliet paper myself.
I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable talking about TP...too personal....get the pun? LSHINAT.
I know that you Caterine don't like this but my obsession is the kind of TP, assuming you don't run out and then at that point it DOES NOT MATTER! (Stories not included!)
"Charmine Plus"
Diaper Dave
Maybe another non perishable item like papertowels or water.
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