Friday, June 30, 2006

Dr. Pepper Pilferer

I keep pilfering the Dr. Peppers out of my Hurricane Preparedness Kit.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hurricane Preparation Kits

Last year on the heels of Hurricane Katrina, my sister Glory came to visit from Atlanta. My mother picked her up at Hobby Airport and they returned to our home town Freeport. The next day Freeport declared a mandatory evacuation due to the immanent threat of Hurricane Rita; so mom, my aunt, and Glory drove to Rockport to see me. Rockport declared their mandatory evacuation the next day. So we all ended up in Salado, Texas in what was supposedly the only hotel room available in the state.
Everything happened so fast that it took us all by surprise. I was not prepared. So with note pad in hand I took notes during the entire evacuation process of things to do differently "next time". I know they have these list available for free, but keep in mind I had a lot of time on my hands and this list was a form of entertainment for me. Here's are my lists:

Food Kit
2 six packs of small Dr. Peppers
Tuna Kits
Peanut Butter
Plastic Utensils
Fruit cups
Tea bags Roll of Paper towels
Coffee with scoop and filters
Sugar packets
Mixed Nuts
Ice chest ice
Clothes for 4 days
Entertainment Kit
Deck of cards
Crossword puzzles
Craft type items (hand work)

Yesterday I went to Circle K to get the free Hurricane Preparation Guide and compared what they said to do to what I was thinking last year in the the mist of the turmoil. Boy is my list deficient. Currently I am regrouping and plan to have my kit ready by July 1st. If you think of anything I forgot, please feel free to let me know.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gulf Watch 2006

If you walk down my street two block, this is the view you would see. Lovely isn't it?
These Gulf waters are calm and beautiful, but if you don't live on the coast you might not be aware that we have entered hurricane season.
The National Hurricane Center's forecast for 2006 is for 13 to 16 named storms, including 8 to 10 hurricanes, of which 4 to 6 may be major hurricanes. They do not expect a repeat of last year's record-breaking 28 named storms, however, which included 15 hurricanes, 7 of them major. They will name the storms using the following roster:


Somehow none of these sound like killers, but if I had to put money on one it would be Nadine. Officially, hurricane season is June 1 through November 30, but unofficially, Carlene always says we just have to make it to the Miss America pageant and we'd be safe.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Inheritance from B.T. Hanna

Once after my dad had died, my brother Thomas came to see me and I gave him some tube socks that Dad had left in my house. He held them for a minute and then said, "Cool, my inheritance." I laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was to view a pair of old man's tube socks as an inheritance, but he was right. Dad didn't leave us with an inheritance, but honestly we weren't expecting anything either.
People make mistakes every day and some times the effects are minor. There are times, however, when the consequences of bad decisions reach deep into the lives of those we love and are lived out in the years to come.

All father's make mistakes, so let us establish a new legacy for our lives and our families by making the good decision to forgive. Make the decision to let go of those things you are holding on to, because in the end, it just boils down to love.
I am who I am today because of those mistakes made by my father, BUT I am who I am because of the choices he made that were right. Either way my inheritance is priceless and it resides in my DNA, my heart and my soul.

I am who I am and I love my Dad.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

High School Do Over

I woke up from a dream this morning that was thought provoking. In it I was discussing with a fellow graduate (Class of ’81) the outcome of our lives. I asked him if it ended up being what he expected. So this morning I have been wondering what I would have done differently if I could go back today (knowing what I know now) and "do over" the four years I spent at Brazosport High School. Here is my list:
  1. I would not enroll in Shorthand or Bookkeeping.
  2. I would take Typing, but only once. I took it twice because I wanted to improve my WPM.
  3. I would enroll in EVERY Home Economics class they offered and I would have been an active member of Future Homemakers of America (FHA).
  4. I would have paid attention in English and History.
  5. I would have gone to more Basketball Games and Track Meets.
  6. I would have taken an interest in the lives of more of my classmates and teachers.
  7. I would have gotten a job and saved money.
  8. I would have continued with my guitar lessons.
  9. I would have continued to go to the church my parents attended when I was young.
  10. I would have not tried to smoke cigarettes, something I am proud to say I failed at.
  11. I would have joined band in junior high instead of my sophomore year in high school….maybe…..the way I did it had it’s perks.
  12. I would have worn sunscreen (or had it been invented yet?).
  13. I would have eaten breakfast everyday.

This is not an exhaustive list I’m sure, just what I’ve been thinking on this morning. So tell me, what would you have added or subtracted from your four years in high school?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Command Central

You would think with a degree in Vocational Home Economics Education I would be a very efficient person, well such is not the case. However, the information I learned while getting my degree has helped me overcome some of my bad habits.
Recently, my house was in its usual disarray when I decided the computer no longer belonged in the bedroom. I would move the “office” to the living room. My Feng Shui training (which consists of one statement I read on the back of a Feng Shui for Dummies book) guided me in finding the "seat of authority". In other words, I knew I couldn’t sit with my back to the room. The living room is small, so I decided to pull the sofa out into the middle of the room as a divider, creating a sitting area and an office area. I pushed my desk up against the back to the sofa and sat there surveying the room. I had found the spot.
I didn’t like seeing the back of the computer monitor when I sat in the living room area, so I hid it with a plant. A lamp on the desk came in handy no matter what side of the couch you were on. Things were taking shape, when I realized that I could watch television and be on the computer at the same time, creating for me a multi-media experience. So, mouse and remotes in hand I accidentally created what I call Command Central. This is my place, where I can be surrounded by things that make me happy and be productive.
Everybody needs a Command Central, so if you don’t have one, find a place for one. Maybe you have carved out a niche in you house that is “your area” and all it needs is a little tweaking. Let me know what you come up with, and as always, I'm available for consultation. After all, I am trained professional. :)