Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lady Madonna

The Beatles' tunes were intertwined through my growing up years and as I thought about my mother this Mother's Day the lyrics from one of their familiar songs kept rolling through my head: "Lady Madonna, children at your feet, wonder how you managed to make ends meet."
Looking back I truly wonder how my mother did what she did, not only as a young bride, but later as a single parent. Mom would not call herself courageous, but in a time when there were no self help books or support groups for single parents, she had to be a pioneer everyday.
We, her five children, can each testify to the number of challenges our unique lives brought her way. With each challenge however, she somehow managed to make all her varied ends meet.
Carlene Jo Lawrence Hanna, you are a good mother who deserves a BIG medal.


Anonymous said...

I call her Ms. Hanna, always have and always will. Thank you for always unselfishly being there for me when during a time when you had so much going on in your life. I love you. Suelaza

Anonymous said...

You're SUPER Grandma. I love you.

Anonymous said...

You go, Carlene! I know you're a great momma! Love, Amanda Nelson

Anonymous said...

Mom, you have alway been there for me when I needed you. Much, much, much love!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Miss Hanna's mom for raising such wonderful children. As a new mom myself I applaude you for your hard work and dedication to your children.


Anonymous said...

You were/are so beautiful and you raised such strong and independent thinking children. I too, have many fond BoF memories. I think of you each time I open my you remember that you gave it to me? Other than the gift of God's word, Catherine Camille is the greatest gift that you have shared with us. I truly feel that your family is my family.

Catherine said...

These pictures are of Carlene Lawrence Hanna and her first three (of five) children: William Carlton, Glory Lillee, and David Lawrence Hanna.
These were her problem children, thank God Tom and I came along because we didn't give her a lick of trouble. :) Do you believe that?