Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Guitar Trilogy

Part 1
I have recently been put in a position where I have a lot of time on my hands. I decided I need to fill that time by learning something new. So I was thinking Spanish. Then I realized that I would have to drive (gas) into the big city to the junior college and sign up for a class (money).
Fortunatly I was able to talk a friend into loaning me her guitar (Yamaha Classic).
I am now in the process of learning to play it. I get all my lessons and songs off the Internet. A guy I know was kind enough to give me a lesson over the phone. He (and everyone else) seems real pleased I am doing this.
I want to get (borrow) an acoustic steel string, but I don't know if that is really necessary. I was told the neck is smaller and could be easier to handle. I don't care either way....yet.
Currently I can play poorly:
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Take it Easy (Eagles)
Who Says You Can't Go Home (Bon Jovi)
American Pie
Bad Moon Risng (CCR)
Summer Breeze (Seals and Croft)
Part 2
I got a new guitar.
A woman I used to work with bought one 10 years ago and it has been in the closet ever since, so she gave it to me! It's an acoustic steel string Alvarez.
I know nothing about these sort of things but I'm glad to have it.
I had those tatoo boys at the music store put new strings on it.
It sounds strange to me, compared to the classical guitar.
Part 3
My guitar is an Alvarez Regent model #5216.
I couldn't find a fair market value for the guitar on the Internet.
I read some reviews and one guy said it was a "piece 'o junk" and it had a sound like "pissing into a tin can".
Have you ever pissed into a tin can? I haven't, a plastic cup, but never a tin can.
I was a little embarrassed by that mans comments because I don't want to be "uncool" In my experience guitarist can be condescending sometimes. Those guys at the music store seem impatient. (Maybe it's just me.) But heck, I got a free guitar. I am soooooo lucky. At least I have one that I can bang around when I'm at the beach or on tour...LOL! I must stop writing now so I can go make noise with my "piece 'o heaven."
Damn the naysayers, damn them all!
The End.....or is it the Beginning!


Anonymous said...

I have never played a guitar, but I have played a musical instrument My experience with critiquers is that if your instrument brand is dieffereent from theirs, then yours is no good. Pay no attention; enjoy your new guitar and play. Congrats on the new guitar, lucky you. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Hey there. Awesome story. That's classical guitar, not classic---but you didn't care about that. :) I especially liked the part about the plastic cup and being able to bang something on the beach! HAAHA. Not quite sure if you're laughing at what I'm laughing at, but oh well, we're both laughing. Living Laurel beat this! My latest gig was at a nice little restaraunt in Fort Worth called Cachongas. We got a nice meal and some money. Hehe! I am proud of you for learning those songs. Good jorb. Peace and love.

Anonymous said...

...just waiting for more of the story...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps one day you could play rhythm while I play lead on my song "Layla"! Keep practicing! All the best, EC

Anonymous said...

I love it when cats use guitar cases for naps!

Catherine said...

The cat's name is Brother Boy. I rescued him from the RFHS track. He was SCARED and MEAN. Now he's a sweety.