Sunday, June 17, 2007

I Just Called 911

For real....I just called 911!!!!!

Calling the police is nothing unusual for me, well not since, you know, that unfortunate home invasion back in 2002 (give or take a year). I didn't even call them that night. I'm still kicking myself over that one. Who did I call? Well Anne of course. She was the one who ended up calling 911, while I was dodging the knife welding sexual assaulter. And even though I emerged unharmed it was still NO bueno...ugh. They didn't catch him.

Since that fateful night I have called 911 3 time, well 4 if you include tonight. Here is my call log:

I called one night because while watching TV at 1 a.m. I noticed my cat who, lying there peacefully, suddenly became alarmed and looked at the curtains covering the sliding glass door. I looked only to see the shadow of a man swaying back and forth trying to see in the curtains. They didn't catch him.

I called again on a later date because there was a knock at my door after 11 p.m. and the knocker would not identify himself. They didn't catch him.

I also called because my garage door opened for NO reason. The cop asked me if I could have opened it accidentally. NO, that's crazy, how could that have happened? After he left I went back to digging in my purse for a pen. Turns out my garage door opener was in my purse. I DID DO IT! And although I was a person of interest, they didn't catch me.

Tonight I called because while Cookie and I are trying to go to sleep we heard a horrible bang a a gun. So the dispatcher asked me to state my "emergency" and as I told her it sounded like a gun shot, I realized I didn't know what I was taking about. What does a gun sound like anyway? So I said, maybe a small explosive, like a fire cracker. Anyway, I think I used enough adjectives to get my point across. In the belief that it is their job to "protect and to serve" I asked if they would send an officer out to parole the area. And they did, I saw him driving behind ACE Hardware with his floodlight blazing.

I wonder if they caught him?


Anonymous said...

Is what you hear like a gunshot? I hope after all these years of "their" not chatching people, they will be able to come up with something that will effectively protect and serve, especially you. We can talk about this later if you want to. I don't know to say what, but talk anyway.

eamoore said...

Ahhhhh!!! Why is your life so dramatically freaky??!?! What the hey? They better have caught him this time, or else!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you now call. Someday they will catch someone in your area. Keep calling, you can NEVER be too careful. What else does the midnight shift have to do in Rockport but try to catch someone trying to do something in your neighborhood. Glad you and Cookie are OK. suelaza

Anonymous said...

That is crazy...i think your brave for still being there. I would probably be paranoid...and am i wrong in thinking that you live in a nice neighborhood? What is up? I think you need to put up a sign that says"I've already been robbed and stalked more than i need...please proceed to the next house! Please!" Okay, okay, bad joke. But seriously, I'm glad your okay. Hey you need to get that neighborhood watch program going? Have you thought of that? Or get a lampost put outside your house..those little cute ones that illuminate the front yard put still look stylish...that way nobody can sneak around. Alright..i have to get back to work. See you later. Oh hanna, this is my last week of working here. Thought i'd let you know.Bye